Beyond the Books:
The power to Make a Difference

A workshop for teachers and counselors seeking to
support their immigrant students

Picture of Gloria with her son

Thursday, March 14, 5:00 to 8:30 PM Wayside Christian Mission Wayside Expressions Gallery

In conjunction with the exhibit Sueños de Mujer, Barreras de Inmigrante – Women’s Dreams, Immigrant Barriers Mari Mujica, Photo‐Ethnographer

Workshop Objectives:

Workshop Structure:

Learning Outcomes:

Workshop facilitators:
Alexis Meza – Journalist, DREAMer and activist
Mari Mujica – Diversity Coach, Consultant, and photo-ethnographer

Cost $35.00 (includes a light meal)

A limited number of scholarships are available on a first come first served basis. To register email: or call: 502.693.6063